The imminent arrival of a new sibling can stir up all kinds of emotions in your elder children – excitement, anticipation, and even jealousy. Preparations for the new baby might make them feel left out sometimes, so why not organize a fun baby shower that includes the big brother- or sister-to-be?
You can begin by decorating a “big sister/big brother-to-be” seat of honor so they can sit next to mom at the shower, getting them a special t-shirt, and if they are over 5(ish), giving them a “special job” to do. You could give them a disposable camera and ask them to be the “official photographer” for the baby shower! They will love being part of the event, and you’ll get their perspective of the day caught on old-school film – perfect to add to a scrapbook.
The most direct and fun way to include big siblings in the baby shower is with games that they can participate in! Here are some great ideas for fun baby shower games that include big siblings.
Baby Shower Games Suitable For Under 5 years:
Little ones might not have the energy or the attention span to participate in the whole shower so it might be best to have them very involved in the beginning, and have a babysitter on hand to keep them occupied later.
Pass the parcel game:
Little ones might not have the energy or the attention span to participate in the whole shower so it might be best to have them very involved in the beginning, and have a babysitter on hand to keep them occupied later.
You can also let the big brother- or sister-to-be unwrap the gifts for mom, and pack them in a box for her.
Baby Food Taste Test:
How well do you know your baby food flavors? Do a blind taste test! Each participant in this game will taste different flavors of baby food while blindfolded, and if they guess the correct flavor, they win a prize. (Don’t forget to check with your guests about any allergies before you start this game – anaphylactic shock can be a party pooper).
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Baby Shower Games For 6-10 Years Old Big Siblings
Older big-siblings-to-be can participate in most baby shower games, provided that they are age appropriate. Games that require teamwork and simple mental puzzles are an excellent choice for this age group!
Dressing the Baby Race:
Organize the guests into teams, giving each side a baby doll with a set of clothes, baby powder, and a diaper. One participant is blindfolded and needs to dress the baby, with the rest of the team giving directions. The team who finishes with the most correct and wholly dressed baby wins!
Decorate a bib/baby bodysuit:
Big Belly Race:
This game is both silly and hilarious! Blow up balloons and get each guest to stick a balloon under their shirts, as a big “pregnancy belly.” Then, they need to perform tasks, such as tying their shoelaces as quickly as they can without popping the balloon.
As you can see, it’s quite easy to involve big-siblings-to-be in the baby shower, as long as you prepare well and make an individual effort to prevent them from feeling left out. Everyone will be able to have fun and celebrate the new arrival and the expectant family!