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Amazing and affordable last-minute t-shirt costumes

Halloween draws ever closer, and you’ve probably been thinking about what outfit to wear. The internet is filled with costume ideas, DIYs, and whatnot, but you don’t have the energy, time, or budget for it. Yet, you still want to contribute to your family and friends Halloween spirit.

If this is you, you may yet arrive at a solution. And this may just be the solution you’ve been searching for. Did you know that your Halloween costume can be only one shirt? Now you do. We collected 18 amazing and affordable T-shirt costumes so that this Halloween will be easy peasy for you.  

1. Robber T-shirt Costume

If you want to steal the hearts and gaze of people looking at you, you only need to get this robber T-Shirt. All you need to do is add gloves, a dollar money bag, a head warmer, and an eye band. And voila, you’re a handsome thief.

2. Supergirl T-shirt Costume

Clark Kent’s cousin, Kara, isn’t the most popular superhero out there, but there’s no ignoring you in the supergirl outfit. The shirt even comes with fake abs and a revealing outline. And yeah, there’s also a cape. Because why not?

3. Chewbacca T-shirt Costume

You can tap into your legendary Wookie warrior and become Han Solo’s Halloween co-pilot with this brown Chewbacca shirt. If you have a big heart and unwavering loyalty to your friends, then get this Chewie shirt and become the hairy bud at the party.

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle T-shirt

You may not be a teenager, or a mutant, or a ninja, or a turtle, but you can wear this teenage mutant ninja turtle shirt and magically become all three at the same time. No matter what age you are, this is a fun T-Shirt costume for you to put on.

5. Wonder Woman T-shirt Costume

If you’re a mum, you probably know that it takes serious superhero powers to raise children and keep the home in order. What better way to show the world that you’re a wonder woman with superhero powers than through this wonder woman shirt?


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6. Mr. And Mrs. Potato Shirt Costume

If you need a couple’s Halloween costume, you really should consider these Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head shirts. It’s a particularly great costume for married people. What better way to tell everyone you’re hooked than with matching Potato Head shirts?

7. Cowboy Woody

Toy Story is one of the most heartwarming movie franchises ever done. Even though most of the movie’s first lovers are now adults, the film still holds a special place in their hearts. If you’re one of these adults, you can roll back the years with this perfect Cowboy Woody Costume.

8. Black Panther

A few months ago, we all received the news that Chadwick Boseman passed away. You can pay homage to his memory by donning this tight testing Black Panther shirt. Remember to honor the King!

9. Monsters Inc. T-shirt Costume

Mike Wazowski isn’t the character you’d aspire to be like on a typical day. But this isn’t a normal day. And on this abnormal day, you can be the Mike Wazowski you want— at least for one night. This Monster T-Shirt will tell everyone you mean business this Halloween. You’re out here to scare, and nothing but. And if they doubt you, they can look at your shirt and see that you work for Monster Inc.

10. Minnie Mouse

Minnie and Mickey Mouse were the first Disney stars to be successful on television, and this shirt allows you to be Minnie— regardless of how human you look. All you need to do is wear the shirt, put on the headband, and you’re suddenly Minnie Mouse from the earliest days of Disney.

11. Suicide Squad

A lot of people say that Suicide Squad was a terrible movie. But strangely, I disagree. It was precisely as good as you would expect a film named Suicide Squad to be. However harmful it was, at least it gave birth to this chick shirt by Harley Quinn. If you’re ready to be the hood, Dr. Harley Quinn, this is the costume for you.

12. Pirate T-Shirt

It’s rather challenging to be a Pirate. You need a ship, you need crewmates (and some of them need to be missing a limb or two), you need a long sword, and you need a claw for a left hand. You also need some islands to plunder. Or you could just put on this shirt.

13. Lady Of Death

What’s worse than a skeleton dooting at you during Halloween? A female skeleton with roses in her chest dooting at you during Halloween. Take care if you have to get this shirt because it’s super scary.

14. Buzz Lightyear

It hasn’t been a year full of buzz or light, but you can still look dashing in your Buzz Lightyear hoodie. This shirt will probably not scare anyone, but it’ll tell everyone you tried. Who knows, you may get a B for Buzz Lightyear instead of an E for effort.

15. Harry Potter T-shirt Costume

Okay, Potterheads. It’s your time to shine. This house of Gryffindor shirt costume needs no explanation. If you want to connect with other Potterheads, this is precisely the sort of shirt you should be wearing.

16. Pacman Costume

The rules of Pacman are fairly simple. All you need to do is to avoid getting eating. And, to some extent, that’s the rule of Halloween. You’ll surely meet vampires, witches, and all other kinds of nefarious characters. As long as you can survive the night without being a meal, you’ve survived Halloween. And what better way to remind yourself of that than a Pacman shirt?

17. Olaf Costume

If you don’t like the violent characters and horrible monsters that Halloween has to offer, you can wear this Olaf shirt. It tells everyone you’re a peace-loving fellow with lots of love and light, and it also tells them that you’ll melt into a messy bubble if put near too much fire.

18. Pumpkin Monster

Pumpkins are probably the best symbols for Halloween. Every Halloween, people carve pumpkins and even go for pumpkin carving competitions. But if these pumpkins make a life of their own and become the monsters we’ve carved them to be? Well, that surely can’t be good, can it? We’ll never know if you don’t wear a shirt.


There you have it. 18 easy-peasy Halloween costumes that only include one t-shirt. Do you know how they say you can be whatever you want on Halloween? Great. This Halloween, you can be the easy dresser! 

Have more awesome ideas for t-shirts costumes? Do share!!

Are you ready for Halloween?

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